Prayer for the evening of 11 August 2019

Almighty God, most merciful father, we pray this evening for the completion of our day and the work we have achieved. We thank you for the strength that you have given us to accomplish our tasks and challenges that we were given today.

We pray that in this very divided world, there can be an end to conflict, strife, and violence in the world, that we may overcome greed, lust, jealousy, and other vices, that we as a society can focus on the betterment of humanity and our world.

We pray that we can be humble and appreciate the blessings of our lives, for we sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees. May you strengthen our faith in all things and in all men.

We pray for all those that love us, our friends and family, and also for those that hate us. May we find reconciliation with our enemies, those that hate us, and within ourselves. Forgive our sins as we try to forgive the wrongs of others, while we pray, but not demanding or expecting, for others to forgive us.

May you give strength and guidance to all disciples of Christ, so they may continue their journey with you and commitment to doing good.

We remember tonight the Right Reverend Charles Inglis, first Anglican Bishop of Nova Scotia and Canada, that we may be encouraged by his example to serve the Church and fellow man, and to spread the word of Jesus Christ to the world.

We pray for all those who pray tonight, and all those who cannot pray tonight. That through meek heart and humbleness, you answer our prayers and listen to our deepest troubles, thoughts, and sorrows. Take away our sin and our pain, and fill us with the Holy Ghost, leaving us with nothing but love and peace.

At the going down of the sun and into this night, protect us from our fears and our dreads. Watch us and protect us, O Christ, that we may sleep in peace and free from the worries and anxieties of this fast paced world. We pray humbly to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three persons, one God, protector and saviour of all. Amen.

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