Prayer for my impending journey and voyage across the Atlantic

Almighty God, we pray this evening for the journey we are about to embark soon.

We pray that we may be able to be with God in a more holy way, in England, at the heart of your Anglican Church. We pray that his pilgrimage to churches in London and Oxford will let him discover more of the mysteries of God and strengthen his faith.

We pray that the journey across the Atlantic will be guided and protected by thy servant, Saint Brendan, the Navigator, that our journey be fair and the seas favourable. We pray to Saint Brendan, that his example and faith in God, be passed onto those who sail the oceans, unafraid of the unknown and challenges that God may reveal to us. We also pray for fellowship and friendship for all those who sail on board Queen Mary 2, that we may better know God by better knowing each other.

We pray that we can forget our mortal fears and anxieties, to trust in the Lord and his protection, that we need not fear in our hour of need.

We pray for all those that love us, our friends and family, and also for those that hate us. We pray for all those who have asked us to pray for them, and those whom we have have forgotten.

That through meek heart and humbleness, you answer our prayers and listen to our deepest troubles, thoughts, and sorrows. Take away our sin and our pain, and fill us with the Holy Ghost, leaving us with nothing but love and peace.

We pray tonight, the traditional prayer of the Navy, said by many before us, and by me during my darkest hours:

O Eternal Lord God, who alone spreadest out the heavens, and rulest the raging of the sea; who hast compassed the waters with bounds until day and night come to an end: Be pleased to receive into thy Almighty and most gracious protection the persons of us thy servants, and the Fleet in which we serve. Preserve us from the dangers of the sea, and from the violence of the enemy; that we may be a safeguard unto our most gracious Sovereign Lady, Queen ELIZABETH, and her Dominions, and a security for such as pass on the seas upon their lawful occasions; that the inhabitants of our Commonwealth and Empire may in peace and quietness serve thee our God; and that we may return in safety to enjoy the blessings of the land, with the fruits of our labours; and with a thankful remembrance of thy mercies to praise and glorify thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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